ComDeX Wiki

Version 0.2.7

ComDeX Demystified: A Complete Guide to Harnessing its Potential

Code Documentation

ComDeX Prototype Code Function Documentation

The ComDeX prototype (which can be found here) is an NGSI-LD compliant “broker” that utilises a running MQTT broker. This documentation describes the functionality of the different methods used in the ComDeX codebase.


This function is used to create a new NGSI-LD entity in the ComDeX node.


  • data: The data of the entity to be created.
  • my_area: The area or domain of the entity.
  • broker: The name or IP address of the broker.
  • port: The port number of the broker.
  • qos: The quality of service level for message delivery.
  • my_loc: The location of the broker (used for advanced advertisements with geoqueries).
  • bypass_existence_check (optional): Flag to bypass the existence check of the entity (default: 0).
  • client (optional): MQTT client object (default: mqtt.Client(clean_session=True)).


  • None


This function checks if an entity or advertisement already exists inside the broker.


  • broker: The name or IP address of the broker.
  • port: The port number of the broker.
  • topic: The topic name or identifier of the message to check.


  • True if the entity/advertisement exists in the broker, False otherwise.


This function is used to retrieve entities from the ComDeX node, similar to the NGSI-LD GET entities operation.


  • broker: The name or IP address of the broker.
  • port: The port number of the broker.
  • topics: A list of topics to subscribe to.
  • expires: The expiration time in seconds.
  • qos: The quality of service level for message delivery.
  • limit (optional): The maximum number of entities to retrieve (default: 2000).


  • A list of received messages (entities) ordered via their id.


This function recreates a single entity from the received messages based on the specified query conditions. This is possible because each entity has a unique message id, which is used as the catalyst for the entity reconstruction from its various attribute messages.


  • messagez: List of received messages (entities).
  • query: Query condition to filter the entities (optional, default: ‘’).
  • topics: Topic filters to apply (optional, default: ‘’).
  • timee: Time condition to filter the entities (optional, default: ‘’).
  • georel: Geo-relation condition to filter the entities (optional, default: ‘’).
  • geometry: Geometry type for the geospatial condition (optional, default: ‘’).
  • coordinates: Coordinates for the geospatial condition (optional, default: ‘’).
  • geoproperty: Geospatial property for the geospatial condition (optional, default: ‘’).
  • context_given: Context value for entity comparison (optional, default: ‘’).


  • None


This function recreates multiple entities from the received messages based on the specified query conditions. It basically calls the recreate_single_entity command, over a list of MQTT messages, based on their id.


  • messagez: List of received messages (entities).
  • query: Query condition to filter the entities (optional, default: ‘’).
  • topics: Topic filters to apply (optional, default: ‘’).
  • timee: Time condition to filter the entities (optional, default: ‘’).
  • limit: Maximum number of entities to recreate (optional, default: 2000).
  • georel: Geo-relation condition to filter the entities (optional, default: ‘’).
  • geometry: Geometry type for the geospatial condition (optional, default: ‘’).
  • coordinates: Coordinates for the geospatial condition (optional, default: ‘’).
  • geoproperty: Geospatial property for the geospatial condition (optional, default: ‘’).
  • context_given: Context value for entity comparison (optional, default: ‘’).


  • None


This function sets up multiple subscriptions based on the specified flags and parameters.


  • entity_type_flag: Flag indicating whether entity type is specified.
  • watched_attributes_flag: Flag indicating whether watched attributes are specified.
  • entity_id_flag: Flag indicating whether entity ID is specified.
  • area: Area value for the subscriptions.
  • context: Context value for the subscriptions.
  • truetype: Entity type value for the subscriptions.
  • true_id: Entity ID value for the subscriptions.
  • expires: Expiration time for the subscriptions.
  • broker: MQTT broker address.
  • port: MQTT broker port.
  • qos: Quality of Service level for the subscriptions.
  • watched_attributes: List of watched attributes for the subscriptions.


  • None


This function subscribes to MQTT topics and handles the received messages.


  • broker: MQTT broker address.
  • port: MQTT broker port.
  • topics: List of topics to subscribe to.
  • expires: Expiration time for the subscriptions.
  • qos: Quality of Service level for the subscriptions.
  • context_given: Context value for entity comparison.


  • None


This function sets up subscriptions for advertisement notifications based on the specified flags and parameters, basically to find if a new advertisement of interest arrives while an interested subscriber is active (so that the subscriber while also connect to the new advertised source “on the fly”).


  • broker: MQTT broker address.
  • port: MQTT broker port.
  • topics: List of topics to subscribe to for advertisement notifications.
  • expires: Expiration time for the subscriptions.
  • qos: Quality of Service level for the subscriptions.
  • entity_type_flag: Flag indicating whether entity type is specified.
  • watched_attributes_flag: Flag indicating whether watched attributes are specified.
  • entity_id_flag: Flag indicating whether entity ID is specified.
  • watched_attributes: List of watched attributes for the subscriptions.
  • true_id: Entity ID value for the subscriptions.


  • None


This function clears the retained messages on the specified topic(s).


  • broker: MQTT broker address.
  • port: MQTT broker port.
  • retained: Single topic or list of topics to clear retained messages from.


  • None

Debug functions to see MQTT broker communication


Callback function called when a message is received from the MQTT broker.


  • client: MQTT client instance.
  • userdata: Custom userdata provided by the client.
  • message: MQTT message object containing the received message.


  • None


Callback function called when a log message is generated by the MQTT client.


  • client: MQTT client instance.
  • userdata: Custom userdata provided by the client.
  • level: Log level of the message.
  • buf: Log message string.


  • None


This function displays help messages on how to use the command line interface, including the available options and some examples.


  • None

Usage: Usage: python [options]

Options: -h, –help Show this help message and exit -c, –command Provide the command, possible commands include [POST/entities, POST/Subscriptions, DELETE/entities/, PATCH/entities/, GET/entities/, entityOperations/delete, entityOperations/create, entityOperations/update, entityOperations/upsert] -f, –file Specify the file to be used as input to the command -b, –broker_address Specify the address of the MQTT broker of the ComDeX node -p, –port Specify the port number of the MQTT broker of the ComDeX node -q, –qos Specify the Quality of Service level (0, 1, or 2) to be used for the specified command -H, –HLink Specify the HLink, ‘context link’ to be used for the GET request -A, –singleidadvertisement Specify if single ID advertisement is to be used (use 1 for True), default is false

Example: python3 -c POST/entities -f entity.ngsild -b localhost -p 1026 -q 1 -H HLink -A 0


This is the main function where different functions are called mainly based on the selected by the user command.


  • argv: command line arguments (see usage and tutorials for details)
Last updated on 8 Jun 2023
Published on 8 Jun 2023